Covering over a century of history of rockets, the focus of the book is the space race between the USA and the USSR that culminated in the landing on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11 in July 1969. The GN offers an authentic account, including numerous failures along the way that preceded the eventual success. A timeline of the 20th century at the end of the book helps the reader to situation the moon mission within a larger context that now includes MIR and the International Space Station as well as more recently initiatives by SPACEX.
Why should I read this book?
If you want to be a "rocket scientist," then this book provides ample motivation. This book may inspire a future generation of explorers, including those who may one day attempt to reach Mars.
Who is this book best for?
Middle school students will be inspired to pursue STEM disciplines in an effort to follow in the footsteps of these original space explorers. Other audiences, such as high school physics students and undergraduate engineering majors, may enjoy the book as light reading to help motivate their current studies.
Challenge Rating: No Challenge
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