
Seen: Rachel Carson, is part of a series for “True Stories of Marginalized Trailblazers”. Rachel Carson’s story covers her life as a biologist and writer who was influential in driving change in the United States and globally in the realm of environmental protection. Specifically, the book focuses on Rachel’s work advocating for regulation and investigation on the effects of pesticides and herbicides on ecosystems.

Why should I read this book?

Seen demonstrates the struggle of Rachel Carson through her career and the growth mindset she had to show to become the figure that she was. It shows the twists and turns of her work publishing and is engaging yet succinct. In addition, for US-based teachers, there is a 9-page teaching guide provided at the end aligned with Grade 6-10 teaching standards with pre-selected discussion questions and suggested activities.

Who is this book best for?

Many of the sound bites in Seen may resonate with women in science, and those who have faced upward battles in their learning.

Challenge Rating: No Challenge

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